Michelle Meyer » Media Arts

Media Arts

Media Arts (Now available to 9th-12th grade students)

This is a one year introductory course for students with an interest in digital imaging. Students will explore how the Elements and Principles of design work in design concepts using Adobe Photoshop.  Subjects such as photography, video/animation and mixed media will be explored.

b&w high contrast portrait mixed media portraitCh

Intro to Photography with a Gemini Photography option

Prerequisite: Media Art

This course is designed to provide an introduction to digital photography and will cover the process of creating captivating images through projects and exercises. The course will cover the parts of the camera and how they are used, the composition of photographs using principles of art, critical analysis of photographs through peer critique, the study of notable artists, the use of image editing software for editing and manipulating photographs, and output options including print and web applications.  

animated gif of typographical illustration of a giraff Link to e-card animation


Prerequisite: Media Art

This course is designed to provide an introduction to digital video and animation, and will cover the process of creating captivating images through projects and exercises. The course will cover the composition of moving images using principles of art, critical analysis of video through peer critique, the study of notable artists, the use of image editing software for editing and manipulating video, and output options.  


typographical illustration of a frog

Graphic Design

Prerequisite: Media Art

This course is designed for the student interested in creating visually exiting images, use typography as a visual element, and become effective at communicating an idea and/or message through posters, flyers, and packaging. Final designs will be printed and created life size using a wide format printer. Students will not only begin to explore advertising and marketing as an industry, but will also examine, how being visual literate can help market oneself.


Prerequisite: Media Art

This course concentrates on how to persuade an audience to attend an event or purchase a product or service through visual imagery. Subliminal techniques used by the Advertising & Marketing industry will be explored in creating a printed marketing campaigns including Magazine articles, Billboards, and Interactive Public Displays.


Web Design

Prerequisite: Media Art

This course studies designing captivating and interactive web pages. Students will manipulate photos, graphic shapes and animated elements in Adobe Photoshop then apply to a web design software such as Adobe MUSE or online site such as Wix.com.

illustration of bulldog on 2017-2018 calendar mixed media illustration for 2016 Senior Art Show photography montage

Computer Illustration

Prerequisite: Media Art

This is course in creative, artistic expression using the computer as the artist medium. Students will study a variety of styles from Disney animation, to manipulating many photos in one unique image, to combining photo media with traditional art media such as acrylic paint, as well as non-traditional media such as newspaper headlines. Students will also have the opportunity to use the Wacom tablet as a drawing tool.



(Open to all Juniors and Seniors looking to market themselves to collegiate coaches, admission departments, art departments, and/or employers through a personal

e-site or website )

Students will design a persuasive resume, photo gallery and contact page, then apply those to a personal website that colleges/employers can access.