Andrea Johnson » Andrea Johnson

Andrea Johnson

Andrea Johnson and Rachael Davis are your school psychologists within the Honeoye Central School District.  The psychologists serve all students in grades kindergarten through twelfth grades.    Andrea  received her Master of Arts in School Psychology from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas.  Rachael received her Master of Arts in School Psychology from R.I.T. in Rochester, New York.

We are dedicated to serving students, families, school staff and the community in a variety of capacities.  We provide individual, group, and crisis counseling services, conduct reevaluation and new psychoeducational assessments, conduct functional Behavioral Assessments and consult with teachers to create Behavior Intervention Plans.  We are active members of the Committee on Special Education and Preschool Education, primary and intermediate Instructional Support Teams, the Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports Team, and the Wellness Committee.  Ms. Davis is the overall DASA Coordinator and manages secondary DASA complaints.  Mrs. Johnson manages elementary DASA complaints.