Janelle Deal » 3rd - 5th Internet Smarts

3rd - 5th Internet Smarts

3rd - 5th Grade Internet Smarts

Choose one of the sites below and test to see if they are Hoax or No Hoax!

Make sure to: check the domain, look for disclaimers or about the site, trust your gut instincts to QUESTION anything you see until you figure out the TRUTH! 

  1. All About Explorers
  2. California’s Velcro Crop Under Challenge
  3. Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie
  4. Save the Guinea Worm
  5. The Jackalope Conspiracy
  6. Buy Dehydrated Water
  7. Dog Island 

If you finish: 
Check and see if you can figure out what Jo should do in Jo Cool or Jo Fool --- will you be cool online? Or will you be fooled?
Jo Cool or Jo Fool