May 8, 2019

Dear Parents of Incoming UPK Students,

I am excited to announce the official beginning of the Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) registration process for the incoming graduating class of 2033! We are holding an initial formal registration period from May 10th to May 31st, 2019. Age-eligible students whose registration packet materials are returned on or before May 31st will be guaranteed a spot in a Honeoye UPK classroom for the 2019-2020 school year.

Information gathered from prospective parents on our “UPK Interest Survey” forms distributed at our March 27th UPK Parent Interest meeting indicate a group preference for a half-day UPK experience. We are moving forward to make that a reality and your registration within this time period will ensure that we will hold a slot open for your age-eligible child.

When filling out these forms, please be sure to write legibly in the white spaces provided next to each prompt or field. We realize that some forms (CPSE form, Shared Housing Agreement form, Home Language Questionnaire) may not apply to your child or family. You do not need to complete these specific forms if they do not apply to you. All other pages are required, however.

If you know of anyone else residing within the district with a child turning 4 before December 1, 2019, please encourage them to contact our office and request their own UPK registration packet. Registration packets received after May 31st through the summer months will be considered on an individual basis after we have processed those received in the initial registration period of May 10th – May 31st.

Please note that my office will be providing updates in the future to announce a UPK Parent Orientation meeting and to set a process and timeline for UPK student screening appointments in the next few months. You will be able to show your child’s original birth certificate and turn in custody orders and proof of residency at your screening appointment. In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding the forms enclosed in this packet, please contact Mrs. Kathy Hoertz, Elementary School Secretary at 229-5171, ext. 3018.

Be sure to return your completed registration packet in person or through the mail ON or BEFORE MAY 31st to Mrs. Hoertz at the Elementary School Office

Mrs. Kathy Hoertz, Office Secretary

Honeoye Elementary School

P.O. Box 170

8528 Main St. Honeoye, NY 14471

There is great excitement here at school regarding the start-up of a UPK program for next year. This is as new for us as it is for you as parents. Please know that we will continue to communicate with and support you and your child through the registration and placement process for this new program. We look forward to connecting with you at a future orientation meeting and also at an eventual screening appointment. Even more so, we are eager to establish a strong school-home relationship that will support your child in UPK, Kindergarten and throughout his or her educational experience at Honeoye Central School.                                    



Michael D. Bastian

Elementary Principal