Public vote on Bus Purchase

TWO BUSES in need of replacement
Are heavily used, have substantial wear and have
become costly to maintain
~ Have been in service for 12+ years
~ Have logged over 150,000 miles
~ Have needed significant repairs (7 years past warranty period)
~ Are heavy polluters under current federal standards
TWO Replacement BUSES
Would align with HCS District commitments to
~ Student safety
~ Fuel efficiency & environmental responsibility
~ A diversified transportation fleet (1 propane, 1 diesel)
School Bus Proposition
Shall the Board of Education of the Honeoye Central School District (the “District”) be authorized to purchase one (1) 64-passenger school bus at a maximum estimated cost of $143,000 and one (1) 65-passenger school bus at a maximum estimated cost of $142,000, including necessary furnishings, fixtures and equipment and other necessary costs incidental thereto and to expend a total sum not to exceed $285,000; and to raise the sum of $285,000 by the levy of a tax upon the taxable property of the District, to be collected in annual installments as provided in Section 416 of the Education Law, which tax may be offset by New York State aid available therefore; and, in anticipation of such tax, shall the District be authorized to issue obligations of the District up to a maximum principal amount of $285,000?
Local cost for this bus purchase is anticipated to be $45,000 per year over a 5 year period.