Reopening Committee Information

Dear HCS Community,
If you have been following the news, you are likely aware that Governor Cuomo has indicated that he will be providing school districts with guidance on July 13 specific to school reopening in the fall. Additionally, the Board of Regents is convening on 7/13 to review the information and subsequent recommendations from the Reopening Task Force, which held meetings across the state throughout the month of June. All schools will be required to submit plans to SED which incorporate provisions in the NYS Reopening guidance by July 31. The Governor has assured us that a final decision surrounding the reopening of schools will be made during the first week in August.
Like all of the schools in our region, HCS has been examining and considering the three distinct models of reopening: remote learning, in person learning, and a hybrid model of learning (remote and in person). To date we have not had specific guidance from the state, and as such, we have not yet finalized any plans for reopening of school in September. 

Given that we anticipate guidance from the state and SED next week, we plan to convene our own Reopening Committee to explore reopening at HCS within the following critical areas of operation:

  • General Health and Safety
  • Classrooms and Instruction
  • Transportation
  • Student Flow, Entry, Exit, and Common Areas
  • Screening and PPE
  • Facilities and Cleaning
  • Meals
  • Recess and PE
  • Field Trips, Extra Curricular amd Use of Facilities

It is my hope to secure parents/guardians, students, faculty, staff, and administration in our HCS Reopening Committee to ensure thoughtful and deliberate consideration from multiple perspectives. I have tentatively blocked out two days for this work, as follows:

  • July 21 8:30 - 3:30
  • July 22 8:30 - 3:30, based on 7/21 workflow and as necessary

Participants may attend for all or half of Day 1 and Day 2 (as necessary).  The structure for our time together will include a whole group anchoring into purpose followed by subcommittee work on the aforementioned areas of operation.

As possible, I would like to see our Reopening Committee include four parents and four secondary students. As such, please share this request with your secondary level child and reach out to me via email ([email protected]) by Wednesday, 7/15, if you, or your child (HCS student) would be interested / willing to serve on such a committee. I will confirm participants upon email receipt and share additional information with identified committee members. 
Many thanks for your consideration of this request. Whatever the guidance we receive next week, we will be ready for learning in September, and together we will work to ensure that our reopening plans prioritize student safety and rich learning experiences.
Be safe, be well, and take care of you. 


E. Bridget Ashton

Elizabeth Bridget Ashton
Superintendent, Honeoye Central School District
8528 Main Street
Honeoye, New York 14471
[email protected]
On Twitter: @EBridgetAshton