Additional Town Halls Scheduled...8/5/2020 Update

Dear Honeoye Central School District,

Heartfelt gratitude to the many HCS community members who participated in our Town Hall meeting on 8/5/2020.  It was extremely beneficial for the COVID-19 Safety Coordination Team to have the opportunity to listen, ponder, and understand the very real concerns and questions that families are grappling with relative to school’s reopening this fall.  Please note: In the event you were unable to attend the 8/5 Town Hall Meeting, a recorded version will soon be available. Access information to the video will follow in upcoming day(s).

While the HCS COVID-19 Safety Coordination Team and nearly 90 community members shared more than 90 minutes during the Town Hall Meeting on 8/5, there remained a substantial number of questions and concerns which we did not have the opportunity to respond to due to time constraints.  Feedback from our participants suggested that offering two additional Town Halls, one meeting specific to elementary reopening provisions and a second specific to secondary reopening provisions, would be beneficial.  As such, we will offer two additional voluntary, virtual Town Hall meetings, via Google Meet. 

  • Friday, August 7 at 4:00: Secondary School Town Hall
    • Access information available via email on 8/6/2020.
  • ​Monday, August 10 at 4:00: Elementary School Town Hall
    • Access information available via email on 8/6/2020.

Regrets for short notice in scheduling the additional Town Hall meetings, but we have team members out of district next week AND we hope to provide families information in a timely manner to support completion and return of commitment letters to HCS by 8/12.  In the event that these dates/ times are less than convenient, and you have a question(s), please do not hesitate to reach out to Elementary School Principal, Margie Wright at [email protected], Secondary School Principal, Addie Klaehn at [email protected], or me at [email protected].

Please note: The placement process at the elementary school level will NOT be finalized until the week of August 17 so that we may factor commitment letter data surrounding both models of programming into cohort groupings: 100% in-person OR 100% remote learning. The designation of cohorts at the secondary level will NOT be finalized until the week of August 17 so that we may factor commitment letter data surrounding both models of programming into cohort groupings: 50% in-person/50% remote learning OR 100% remote learning. Student placement, cohort designation, and master schedule information will be mailed to families the week of August 24. Thank you for your patience.

Education is inclusive of not only the pursuit of knowledge but also of openness to new ideas and opportunity for change. These are certainly unprecedented times paired with many new ideas about delivery and implementation of public education and significant change. It is a certainty that we will learn much together as a learning community in our shared experience navigating the reopening of schools this fall, regardless the model. 

Thank you all again for your support of Honeoye Central School District. Take care of you and yours. 

Warmest regards,

E. Bridget Ashton

Elizabeth Bridget Ashton

Superintendent, Honeoye Central School District
8528 Main Street
Honeoye, New York 14471
On Twitter: @EBridgetAshton