Community » HCS Graduates of Distinction Program

HCS Graduates of Distinction Program

The HCS Graduates of Distinction program was created and designed to recognize individuals who have achieved distinction through outstanding accomplishment or achievement.  Honorees MUST be HCS alumni of ten years or greater post graduation date who have demonstrated themselves to be exemplary citizens AND who have distinguished themselves through service, exceptional career achievement or lifetime accomplishment in their post secondary lives.  This program is further intended to offer inspiration about the promise and potential of postsecondary life for current and future HCS students.   
Graduates of Distinction Selection Committee:
  • Board of Education Member (1)
  • HCS Administrator (1)
  • HTA Unit Member (1)
  • HSSA Unit Member (1)
  • Community Member (1)
  • Ex Officio Student BOE Member (1)
  • Note: The HCS Superintendent of Schools will serve as facilitator of the committee. 
Definitive Criterion for Graduates of Distinction Nominations:
  • Service
  • Exceptional Career Achievement
  • Lifetime Accomplishment
  • Other Notable Contributions - Honors, Awards, Recognitions
Selection Process Criterion:
  • Nominations must be completed and submitted electronically or via mail to the Honeoye Central School District no later than June 1.
  • The Graduates of Distinction Selection Committee will convene within the first two weeks in June to review and evaluate nomination materials.
  • Rating scales will be utilized by the selection committee to evaluate the eligibility of a candidate for identification as an HCS Graduate of Distinction. 
  • Nominee credential materials (nomination and supporting letters) must speak to and emphasize postsecondary service, exceptional career achievement, lifetime accomplishment or other notable contribution.
  • Nominee credential materials MUST include the nomination AND three letters of support.
  • Nominee credential materials must earn a committee rating of 75% or higher to be considered for the candidate to be selected and identified as a Graduate of Distinction.
  • Up to five (5) Graduates of Distinction will be selected and recognized each school year.
  • The Selection Committee may be petitioned to exempt the above criteria if extraordinary circumstances exist. 
Notification to Identified Graduates of Distinction
  • Graduates of Distinction will be publicly identified and acknowledged during the HCS Commencement Ceremony in June.
  • Formal letters of notification and congratulations to each of the candidates being recognized as a Graduate of Distinction will be mailed from District Office following Commencement.   
  • Formal letters of notification and thanks for each of the nominations will be mailed from District Office following Commencement.
Honoring Identified Graduates of Distinction 
  • Recipients shall be recognized publicly during Homecoming festivities in September of the subsequent school year.
  • Recipients will be permanently honored at the Honeoye Central School District.