Secondary » Forms and Policies » Visitors


Persons who are not students or staff must sign in with our staff in the Allens Hill entrance when they enter the school building.  Student visitors from other schools, including college students home on break, must have a specific reason along with prior approval from the Building Principal to visit the building.   Unless prior arrangements are made, visitors will not be permitted to enter school buildings. Former students must have an appointment and teachers will notify front desk before arrival.


Visitors to the school shall be governed by the following rules:

  1. All visitors must enter through the Allens Hill entrance, sign in, and be issued a visitor’s pass, which must be displayed at all times. The pass must be returned, and the visitor must sign out at the conclusion of the visit. Visitors are encouraged to visit teachers and other school personnel after instructional hours unless it is for instructional purposes. School administration reserves the right to deny a visitor access to the building and/or school personnel until after instructional hours have passed. Appointments with school administrators and/or teachers are highly encouraged. 


  2. Parents are requested to visit teachers, counselors, school nurse, psychologist, and other support personnel by appointment, in order to discuss any problems or concerns the parent may have regarding the student, whether or not school related.
revised 2018