Secondary » Forms and Policies » Counseling Center Services

Counseling Center Services

Counseling Center services are available to all students K-12 to ensure effective participation in their current and future educational programs. The general purpose of the Counseling Center is to assist each and every student to become a self-directed learner in a fast changing society, having full respect for the worth and dignity of self and others.


Counseling Center Objectives
Help students to:
Start to make progress toward eventual productive/rewarding career choices.
Select appropriate school courses and student activities to develop the whole person.
Develop learning, study and value clarification skills.
Develop self-understanding and identities.
Develop interpersonal relationships with peers, teachers and significant role models.
Assist parents to:
Understand their children’s educational progress
Understand the opportunities available to their children
Participate actively in helping their children develop totally as young people
Understand and utilize the services of the Counseling Center program


Counseling Center Services
Information Services - Collection, maintenance, dissemination of current educational, occupational
and personal/social information.
1. Guidelines
2. Surveys
3. Reports
4. Guidelines Bulletin Board


Pupil Appraisal/Record Services
1. A Counselor serves on the Pupil Services Team and is involved in early identification of
    educational/emotional needs of students.
2. Supervises maintenance of student records/reports.
3. Student records
4. Report card/grade procedures
5. Group test interpretation
6. Standardized Test – Pre/Post information to parents
7. Building reports regarding testing


Counseling Service - Counseling students one to one who have special concerns/needs is the central
most important counseling center service.
1. Academic counseling
2. Personal counseling
3. Intervention counseling


Consultative Services - Help adults to work together to help assist students and parents.
2. Staff conferences


Parent Conference Service - Maintain/broaden the lines of communication between the home
and school.
1. Letters
2. Phone calls encouraged and returned!
3. Parent appointments as needed


Evaluation/Planning Service - Change is a constant. Continued surveying, planning and evaluation are
essential to meet both the demands of the state and the needs of our children.
1. Student centered surveys
2. Scheduling
3. Committee work
4. New course planning