Secondary » Forms and Policies » Extracurricular Participation Guidelines

Extracurricular Participation Guidelines

Extracurricular Permission Slip

Students and parents must read this document before signing and returning the last page.  This document must be completed annually before participation in any extracurricular activity can occur.


These guidelines pertain to students who are members of athletic teams, academic teams, clubs and organizations; and impact their ability to participate in these teams, clubs and organizations of which they are a member.

Honeoye Central School offers a variety of extracurricular programs to provide additional opportunities for students.  Participation in these activities is highly encouraged but remains a privilege.  Students choosing to participate in these activities accept the responsibility of representing their school positively both in the community and at school.  These extended responsibilities include holding students to a higher standard of conduct as a condition of participation. This conduct includes behavioral and academic performance.  The goals of an extracurricular program are to offer student direction in developing healthy living habits, discipline, leadership, teamwork, citizenship skills and respect for structure, rules and responsibilities.  The appropriate school personnel dealing with these issues will include the principal, athletic director or extracurricular advisor.


Students governed by these guidelines may not consume or possess (including the transfer by sale or gift) alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes (with or without nicotine), or other drugs. Students at a site where underage persons are consuming or in possession of these substances must make every effort to leave the site immediately or contact a parent or guardian immediately to make arrangements to promptly leave. Each incident will be reviewed and examined on its context and circumstances.  Final determination and consequences will be assigned by the principal.  Students are also expected to conduct themselves appropriately in public and should refrain from any illegal activities that result or could result in legal consequences (excepting traffic tickets).

Students found to be in violation of this expectation are subject to the following extracurricular participation consequences (offenses are cumulative upon entrance into 6th grade, this example is included to further provide clarification: if an infraction occurs in 7th grade for shoplifting and another infraction for any of the prohibited activities governed by this section occurs during the 10th grade year, the second offense consequence will be imposed, if another offense occurs in the 11th grade year, the third offense consequence will be imposed):

1st offense – on the first confirmed violation, the student will be suspended from all scheduled extracurricular activities for 25 consecutive school days.  Students may reduce the length of their suspension to 12 consecutive school days with the completion of a school approved educational intervention program.  Students who cooperate with investigations and assume responsibility and accountability for their choices and actions can further reduce the length of their suspension to nine (9) consecutive school days if they also participate in a school approved educational intervention program.  Students who cooperate with school officials and self-report their involvement and/or attendance in/at prohibited activities prior to the commencement of a school investigation into such matters may further reduce the length of their suspension to six (6) days providing that they also complete a school approved educational intervention program.  Approved intervention programs are designed to provide information and proactive strategies relating to decision-making and peer-pressure (related to tobacco, alcohol and other drug use, and/or illegal activities) among adolescent students.  A reduction in suspension is only available with the first offense.  No reductions will be considered for subsequent offenses.  “Pleas and negotiations” for substitute consequences may not be applied for any offense under this section.

2nd offense – on the second confirmed violation, the student will be suspended from all extra-curricular participation for one calendar year.  The student will not be eligible for any scholarships (offered by school organizations) for that calendar year.

3rd offense – on the third confirmed violation, the student will be suspended from all extracurricular participation for the remainder of the student’s attendance (including transfer and return to HCS) at Honeoye Central.

Review Panel – A student who believes that an incorrect suspension has been made under these rules is entitled to request a hearing with a review panel.  The panel will include the principal or designee, additional administrator, impartial Honeoye teacher of the student’s choice, advisor/coach, and athletic director (if involvement of athlete) or designee.  The panel will interview the student, parents, staff members, and witnesses (as appropriate) before rendering a final decision.

Petition for Reinstatement  A student who receives a career ban may petition for reinstatement after demonstrating exemplary behavior (sound conduct in classrooms/hallways and appropriate academic progress) for twenty consecutive weeks during a school year.  The petition would be considered during the following ten weeks.  If granted the petitioner would be allowed to participate in the next season or round of activities during the start of the next ten weeks, but only if they could do so without compromising an activity already in progress without future chances of appeal.



EXTRACURRICULAR ELIGIBILITY (Refer to Extracurricular Eligibility Policy for complete document.)

Students governed by these extracurricular participation guidelines may not become academically ineligible.  Students found to be in violation of this expectation will be suspended from all extracurricular activities until the student returns to satisfactory academic standing.

BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS (Refer to Code of Conduct for the complete document – students may be subject to consequences contained in the Code of Conduct as well as this extracurricular guideline SIMULTANEOUSLY)

Students covered by these extracurricular participation guidelines are expected to demonstrate acceptable behavior during school as well as in the community. Students demonstrating unacceptable behavior during school may be appropriately disciplined by the building principal.  Students demonstrating unacceptable behavior during an extracurricular activity may be appropriately disciplined by the coach/supervisor. Students continuing to demonstrate poor behavior are subject to consequences up to and including removal from extracurricular participation for the remainder of the school year by the building principal.

Elementary and middle school students will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and will receive age appropriate consequences.  High school students may be subject to the loss of extra-curricular participation as part of a suspension or as part of a consequence on its own.

ATTENDANCE (Refer to school attendance section on p. 2)

It is expected that students be in attendance ALL eight (8) periods the day of the extracurricular activity. Students who are truant from school will not be allowed to participate on the day(s) in which they are truant. Students are expected to receive pre-approval to participate in an extra-curricular function from their coach/advisor and principal if they will miss any part of the school day for a legal absence (doctor appointment, college visit). Attendance records will be reviewed periodically to determine if a pattern of tardy behavior exists. If there is a pattern of behavior, then the student is subject to losing extra-curricular privileges.

Students are also expected to be in attendance at school for the entire day on the day immediately following extra-curricular participation events. Only excused absences and/or tardies are allowable as an exception to this rule and documentation must be presented upon return to school substantiating the legally acceptable absence or tardy for the day after an extra-curricular event (doctor’s appointment confirmation, college/military recruiter visitation confirmation).

  1. Students are expected to follow specific rules and attendance (practice, games, performances, etc.) policies for each school function.
  2. Students who have been suspended from an activity are not to attend the school function.
  3. Coaches will determine an appropriate practice schedule for athletes returning to play in scrimmage/games.
  4. Students must comply with the New York State Education laws and standards of participation.
  5. Students are expected to ride to and from extracurricular events on school transportation. In order for students/athletes to ride home with parents or guardian the following must occur: 
The parent/guardian must provide a written note to the coach/supervisor that includes a signature from the parent/guardian that the student rides with.
The parent/guardian must personally see the coach/supervisor at the end of the event to sign out the student.
School policy dictates that students will ride to and from events upon school provided transportation. The principal or designee may (but is not required to do so) grant special transportation permissions in extenuating circumstances for emergency reasons only.  Convenience does not meet the “emergency reasons only” requirement.

The Board of Education considers computers to be a valuable tool for education, and encourages the use of computer-related technology in district classrooms. Through software applications, online databases, bulletin boards and electronic mail, computer use will significantly enhance educational experiences and provide statewide, national and global communications opportunities for students and staff.

The Superintendent shall establish rules and regulations governing the use and security of the district’s computer network.  The computers, networks and operating systems are owned by the school district.  Therefore, students do not have the right to expect privacy using the school network.  School administration has the right to search student accounts for potential safety concerns and/or rules violations.  Failure to comply with district policy and regulations for use of the computers may result in disciplinary actions, as well as suspension and/or revocation of computer access privileges.

Internet access is provided on the district’s computer network via Time-Warner Cable.  Students may access the Internet under the direct supervision of a teacher during classroom instruction.  Students who wish to access the Internet independently may do so only after they and their parents have read the “Honeoye Central School Internet Access Policy,” and have returned a signed “Honeoye Central School Technology User Application and Agreement.”  This form is included in an over-arching permission and agreement form at the end of this handbook.


The Honeoye Central School District will provide its students and employees access to the Internet and computer network resources. Students are authorized to use these resources for access to the Internet and computer network resources for educational purposes including study and research related to their assigned coursework and approved co-curricular activities. Teachers, other members of the instructional staff, and administrators will be authorized to use the Internet and computer network resources for staff development, training, research, and communications related to their assigned areas of responsibility


Users who engage in unauthorized use of the Internet or computer network resources are subject to disciplinary consequences identified by the HCS, and may have those privileges suspended or revoked. Users of HCS Internet or computer network resources assume personal responsibility and liability for unacceptable use.


Users of the HCS network should not expect that information stored on the network or communication conducted on the network will be private.  District administration may access all files and communications without prior notice to ensure system integrity and compliance with HCS policies.

Though school personnel will closely monitor use of the Internet and computer network resources, there is always a possibility that they could potentially be abused and made inappropriate for the learning community. HCS will work with its service providers to make Internet service reliable and secure. HCS will also work with all users to promote technical skills and acceptable use. Despite these precautions, it is possible that students will read, view, or hear material on the Internet that they or their parents find inappropriate or offensive. HCS will not be responsible for damages that users suffer as the result of Internet or network use, including data loss and service interruption.


Abuses of the computer privileges include, but are not limited to:

Illegal Activity. It is unacceptable to promote or engage in any activities that are deemed criminal under federal, state, or local laws, including, but not limited to, copyright laws.
Hacking and Other Vandalism. It is unacceptable to maliciously harm or destroy the hardware or data of another user. This includes, but is not limited to, the spreading of computer viruses. It is also unacceptable to use another person’s account.
Possession of Offensive or Obscene Materials. It is unacceptable to send or receive data that is threatening, suggestive, obscene, belligerent, or violent according to HCS standards.
Private Commercial Gain. It is unacceptable to engage computer resources for private commercial gain or fraud.

Safety and Precautions for Student Users

Do not use the computers unless supervised by a staff member
Do not reveal personal information, including addresses or phone numbers
Notify a staff member if you come across information that makes you feel uncomfortable
Alert computer system administrators of questionable activities and communications, both incoming and outgoing.


NOTE:  The possession and use of personal mobile and wireless electronic devices, including, iPods, Tablets, Smartphones, laptops, netbooks, and flashdrives/external hard drives possession and use of any personal mobile may not:

Disrupt the educational process in the school district
Endanger the health or safety of the student or anyone else
Invade the rights of others at school
Involve illegal or prohibited conduct of any kind


Personal Responsibility – the district assumes no responsibility for the loss of, theft of, or damage to any personal device that a student connects to the guest wireless network or any information on that device.

No IT Support – Students are responsible for setting up and maintaining the devices that they connect to the network. The district will not provide IT support for student owned devices.
Inappropriate Use – The guest network is a shared and limited resource and all users have a responsibility to use that resource responsibly. The primary purpose of the guest network is for educational uses.  Incidental personal use of the network is acceptable, but students should not use the network for personal activities that consume significant network bandwidth or for activities that violate school policy or local law.  These include but are not limited to:
Using hacking tools on the network or intentionally introducing malicious code into the District’s network.
Using any software or proxy service to obscure either the student’s IP address or the sites that the student visits.
Downloading programs to bypass District security programs.
Disabling, bypassing, or attempting to disable or bypass any system monitoring, filtering, or other security measures.
Accessing or attempting to access material or systems on the network that the student is not authorized to access.
Creating unauthorized wireless networks to access the guest or secure wireless network, including establishing wireless access points, wireless routers, hot spots or open networks on personal device.
Personal Privacy  - Students will not take pictures or videos of students and staff without their

permission.  Students shall not distribute pictures or video of students or staff without their permission.  This is includes but is not limited to emailing, texting, or posting the content online. 

Note:  Users who have their computer privileges revoked may be dropped from courses and denied course credit for those courses that require computer usage.  This could possibly delay the meeting of graduation requirements.  In addition, the violation of any, in whole or in part, of the protocols will be addressed as “insubordination” which may include an array of consequences including a Superintendent’s Hearing seeking a long-term suspension.