The following procedures are the minimums used in handling discipline situations in the high school. In cases of multiple offenses, severe misconduct, instances of repeated misconduct, gross violations, or when deemed appropriate by school/building administration, it will be the prerogative of the building administration to involve the superintendent and/or police authorities and, if necessary, to seek a short term suspension or long term suspension of the offending student. Any suspensions from attendance upon instruction may be imposed only in accordance with section 3214 of the Education Law. This guide is only that – a guide. The principal or designee retains the right to differ from this guide at his or her discretion to ensure that fairness and justice are served. The principal also reserves the right to address items not specifically in this code to ensure the health, safety, and learning environment for the students and staff of Honeoye Secondary School.
Students guarding, protecting, assisting concealing, counseling or otherwise knowingly aiding a fellow student in the violation of the school rules are subject to the same discipline procedures as the student in violation. Students are expected to report violations of the Code of Conduct to school personnel.
Teacher detention, as defined herein, is the personal supervision of the student, the assignment of appropriate alternative work or the placement of the student under the supervision of another teacher. If the student staying for detention is expected home on the early bus, it is the student’s responsibility to contact his/her parents notifying them of the need to stay after school to serve a disciplinary consequence. A student who fails to stay for detention without excusal from the assigning teacher or the high school principal, must serve a double make-up of the missed detention. It is our goal to have the violating student serve his or her consequence as soon as possible, either the day of the infraction or the immediate day following – regardless of conflict with any extra-curricular activity.
A student suspended in school or from school may neither attend extra-curricular activities nor participate in practice or competition in any school sport or program during the period of the suspension.
A student who is suspended will be provided with his/her assignments. These assignments must be completed during the suspension period. The student will be given the opportunity to make up missed tests or class related work. The student must make arrangements for obtaining and/or making up missed work. The student has the responsibility for contacting all of his/her teachers upon his/her day of return. Failure to do so could result in a loss of credit. Remaining after school to make up missed tests or class related work might be a necessary part of the process.
A student who is truant may not make up missed work or tests. Students who are absent from school may not attend extracurricular activities. The same discipline procedures will be enforced for after school functions as during regular school hours. If necessary, appropriate law enforcement agencies will be involved.
The following is a guide that is used to help ensure fairness, justice and consistency. It is only a guide. Circumstances that involve gross infractions, repeated offenses, safety issues and dangerous infractions may or may not follow these guidelines. The principal or his/her designee may assign consequences as they deem appropriate. Any infraction that requires in-school or out of school suspension, entails a loss of extra-curricular privileges on the day(s) of the suspension.
1st Teacher discussion with the student.
2nd Teacher detention(s).
3rd Referral to HS Principal; administrative detention(s), parent/student conference, behavior contract, and possible loss of extra-curricular and/or senior lunch privileges.
4+ Referral to HS Principal; in-school suspension, PINS, or other discipline at principal’s discretion.
Violations of Classroom Rules:
1st Teacher discussion with student.
3rd Referral to HS Principal; administrative detention(s), parent/student conference, behavior contract, and possible loss of extra- curricular privileges and/or senior privileges.
4+ Referral to HS Principal; in-school suspension, out of school suspension, PINS, Superintendent’s Hearing or other discipline at principal’s discretion.
Cheating will be dealt with on an individual, case by case, basis. Students who are found to be guilty of cheating will receive a “0” for the assignment, will be expected to complete the assignment for no grade and/or credit and will serve an appropriate disciplinary consequence. Students found to have cheated on a final exam or project will receive a “0” and additional consequences per the principal’s discretion. Cheating on state exams, including the Regents exams, will be dealt with per state guidelines including invalidation of the exam.
Skipping Class (class truancy):
1st Referral to HS Principal, parent/student/administration conference, behavior contract, administrative detention(s), possible loss of extra-curricular privileges, in-school suspension.
2nd Referral to HS Principal, in-school suspension, PINS, out-of-school suspension, or other discipline at principal’s discretion.
3+ Superintendent’s Hearing and/or other discipline at principal’s discretion.
1st Warning and discussion with Student and/or Parent from Attendance Officer and/or Principal. Seniors lose their lunch privileges for that day.
5th Referral to HS Principal; one administrative detention or in-school suspension. Possible loss of extracurricular privileges.
10+ Referral to HS Principal; PINS, In-school suspension, and/or other discipline at principal’s discretion, including out of school suspension and loss of extra curricular privileges.
Truancy (skipping school):
1st Referral to HS Principal; administrative detentions equal to the number of periods missed, or ISS, parent phone call, and loss of privileges.
2nd Referral to HS Principal, in-school suspension, parent/student/administration meeting or other discipline at principal’s discretion.
3+ PINS, in-school suspension and/or other discipline at principal’s discretion.
Forging Excuses/Passes:
1st Referral to HS Principal; administrative detention(s).
2nd In-school suspension, parent/student/administrator conference, loss of privileges, or other discipline at principal’s discretion.
3+ PINS, In-school suspension, out of school suspension, Superintendent’s Hearing, or other discipline at principal’s discretion.
Leaving School without Permission or Legal Excuse (one can be excused by the attendance clerk or school nurse’s office personnel and permission must be granted prior to the student leaving the building, permission can not be granted by a parent or guardian after the student has left):
1st Referral to HS Principal; administrative detentions equal to the number of periods missed, or ISS, parent phone call and loss of privileges.
3+ PINS, in-school suspension or other discipline at principal’s discretion.
Disorderly Conduct:
1st Teacher discussion with student and/or teacher detention and/or referral to the Principal.
2nd Teacher detention(s) and/or referral to HS Principal and administrative detention, parent/student/administrator conference, loss of privileges.
3rd In-school suspension, and/or other discipline at principal’s discretion.
4th PINS, out-of-school suspension, Superintendent’s Hearing and/or other discipline at principal’s discretion
Insubordination (Failure to comply with a reasonable request) :
2nd Teacher detention(s) or referral to HS Principal and administrative detention, parent/student/administrator conference, loss of privileges.
4th PINS, out-of-school suspension, Superintendent’s Hearing and/or other discipline at principal’s discretion.
Fighting and Physical Altercations:
Fighting will not be tolerated and will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. The penalties range from administrative detentions up to and including out-of-school suspension, PINS, a Superintendent’s Hearing and law enforcement notification.
Parking Lot (Speeding, Endangerment, Unauthorized Parking, Illegal Parking, etc.): NOTE: Vehicle(s) in violation of school rules regarding student parking may be subject to being towed at owner expense. Students who lose their parking privilege or have their parking privilege suspended will be placed at the bottom of the waiting list for the next available parking space.
1st Administrative discussion with student, loss of privileges, discipline at principal’s discretion, and/or law enforcement notification.
2nd Administrative detention(s), in-school suspension, parent/student/administration conference, out-of-school suspension, Superintendent’s Hearing, loss of privileges, PINS, notification of law enforcement.
3+ At the discretion of the principal or other school administrator.
Tardy from Off-Campus Lunch:
1st Warning
2nd Loss of lunch privileges for five days and any penalties related for tardy to class.
3rd Loss of lunch privileges for ten days and any penalties related for tardy to class.
4+ Referral to HS Principal, loss of privileges and parent/student/administrator conference. In-school suspension and permanent loss of off campus lunch privilege indefinitely.
All students are expected to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to dress appropriately for school and school functions. Students and their parents/guardians have the primary responsibility for acceptable student dress and appearance. They have the right to determine how the student shall dress, provided that such attire does not interfere with the operation of the school or infringe upon the general health, safety and welfare of District students or employees. The administration is authorized to take appropriate action in instances where individual dress does not meet these stated requirements. Teachers and all other district personnel should exemplify and reinforce acceptable appearance in the school setting. While the school administration may require students participating in physical education classes to wear certain types of clothing such as sneakers, socks, shorts, tee shirts, they may not prescribe a specific brand that students must wear.
A student’s dress, grooming and appearance, including hair style/color, jewelry, make-up and nails shall comply with the following guidelines:
Students who violate the student dress code shall be required to modify their appearance by covering or removing the offending item and, if necessary or practical, replacing it with an acceptable item. Any student who refuses to do so shall be subject to discipline, up to and including in-school suspension for the day. Any student who repeatedly fails to comply with the dress code shall be subject to further discipline, up to and including out of school suspension.
This guide does not mean that students, faculty, school administration, or parent groups may not recommend appropriate dress for school or special occasions. It means that a student shall not be prevented from attending school or a school function, or otherwise be discriminated against, so long as his/her dress and appearance meet the above requirements.
Dress Code Violation:
1st Warning Student will be required to find suitable clothing for the remainder of the day (borrow from friends, gym clothes, etc.)
2nd Referral to HS Principal and administrative detention. In-school suspension and parent/student/administrator conference.
3rd or more Out-of-school suspension, PINS, and/or Superintendent’s Hearing.
Smart Phones and Other Personal Technology:
As technology evolves the use of electronics may be used to enhance the learning environment of a classroom. Any use of electronics that detracts from the learning environment is prohibited. Any inappropriate electronic use in the school environment may lead to discipline. Texts to students, even from a parent, may result in consequences. If a student is using electronics in a way that is distracting to the teacher, student, or the learning environment, the teacher may ask the student to put the device away or give it to the teacher. If a student refuses to adhere to these guidelines, the student is insubordinate and will be dealt with under those guidelines.
1st Warning from teacher.
3rd Referral to principal, administrative detention(s). In-school suspension, and possible parent/student/administrator conference.
Misuse of School Computer/Network
Based upon each incident a student may receive anything from a warning to a loss of computer privileges and /or suspension. Specific incidences that could lead to discipline may be found in the Acceptable Use Policy on page 27 – Section D Abuses of Telecommunications.
Physical/Verbal Threats of Fellow Students:
1st Referral to HS Principal and administrative detention(s) or ISS or OSS.
2nd In-school suspension or OSS and parent/student/administrator conference and/or PINS and/or law enforcement notification.
3rd Out-of-school suspension, PINS, notification of appropriate law enforcement agencies, and/or Superintendent’s Hearing.
4+ Out-of-school suspension, notification of appropriate law enforcement agencies, and/or Superintendent’s Hearing.
Physical/Verbal Threats Toward Administration, Faculty and/or Staff:
1st In-school suspension and/or Out-of-School Suspension, and parent/student/administrator conference, PINS, and/or law enforcement notification and/or Superintendent’s Hearing
2nd Out-of-school suspension, PINS, notification of appropriate law enforcement agencies, and/or Superintendent’s Hearing
3+ Out-of-school suspension, notification of appropriate law enforcement agencies, and/or Superintendent’s Hearing.
Assault of Administration, Faculty and/or Staff:
Automatic out-of-school suspension, notification of law enforcement agencies, PINS and Superintendent’s Hearing seeking long-term suspension and/or expulsion. The severest of cases will serve a minimum of one calendar year suspension.
Sale, Possession, Distribution, and/or Consumption, ie. “under the influence”, of Alcohol or Drugs (including prescriptions):
Prescription or over-the-counter medications must be given to the school nurse for security reasons. When a student needs to utilize an over-the-counter medication and/or doctor prescribed medication, the student must visit the nurse’s office as the nurse is the ONLY person who can dispense medications. Students who violate the rules relating to “over-the-counter” medication will be addressed under insubordination for possession and/or self-administration. Students who provide “over-the-counter” medications to others will be addressed under the above guideline.
Inappropriate Language and/or Gestures:
See insubordination and/or disorderly conduct.
Fireworks, Explosives, Knives, Guns and Other Weapons (by design or by use):
Automatic out-of-school suspension, notification of law enforcement agencies, PINS and Superintendent’s Hearing. The severest of cases will serve a minimum of one calendar year suspension.
Tobacco Violations, Including E-Cigarettes:
Vaping paraphernalia will be turned over to the SRO for destruction at the direction of the principal.
1st Referral to HS Principal, In-School suspension, and loss of privileges.
2nd Out-of-School Suspension.
3+ Out-of-school suspension, PINS, Superintendent’s Hearing.
Bullying and Peer Abuse (BOE Policy #7362):
The Honeoye Board of Education is committed to providing a safe and productive learning environment within our school. Bullying of a student by another student is strictly prohibited on school property, in school buildings, on school buses, at school sponsored events, and/or activities whether occurring on or off campus. The Board of Education shall require the prohibition of bullying – along with the range of possible intervention activities and/or sanctions for such misconduct – to be included in the District Code of Conduct for all grade levels. Bullying behavior typically involves three participants: a bully, a victim and an observer or bystander.
For purposes of this policy, the term “bullying” among children is defined, in general, as: “A variety of negative acts carried out repeatedly over time. It involves a real or perceived imbalance of power, with a more powerful child or group attacking those who are less powerful.” Bullying can take three forms:
Bullying may also occur as various forms of harassment and/or hazing of students by other students (including “pledging” and/or a student’s initiation into or affiliation with a school or student related organization or team).
The Honeoye Central School District also prohibits “Internet Bullying” (also referred to as “cyber-bullying) including the use of instant messaging, email, web sites, chat rooms, and text messaging when such use interferes with the operation of the school; or infringes upon the general health, safety and welfare of District students or employees. It is important to note that a single negative act as enumerated above may also constitute “bullying” (if not more serious conduct) based upon the particular circumstances such as the seriousness of the act and/or the intent of the student(s).
Any student who believes that he/she is being subjected to bullying behavior, as well as any other person who has knowledge of or witnesses any possible occurrences of bullying, shall report the bullying to any staff member or the building principal. Reports of bullying may also be made by witnesses to District personnel in person or anonymously. The staff member/building principal to whom the report is made (or the staff member/building principal who witnesses bullying behavior) shall investigate the complaint and take appropriate action to include, as necessary, referral to the next level of supervisory authority and/or other official designated by the District to investigate allegations of bullying. Follow-up inquiries and/or appropriate monitoring of the alleged bully and victim shall be made to ensure that bullying behavior has not resumed and that all those involved in the investigation of allegations of bullying have not suffered retaliation.
Personnel at all levels are responsible for taking corrective action to prevent bullying behavior of which they have been made aware at Honeoye Central School District sites or activities and/or reporting such behavior to their immediate supervisor. Further, staff training shall be provided to raise awareness of the problem of bullying within the schools to facilitate staff identification of and response to such bullying behavior among students. Administration shall establish record keeping procedures to document district efforts to reduce incidents of bullying and to evaluate efforts to reduce such incidents.
Prevention and intervention techniques within the District to prevent bullying behavior and to support and protect victims shall include building-level and classroom-level strategies and activities as determined by administration. Appropriate staff members will provide individual intervention to bullies, victims and their parents, to help ensure that bullying ceases.
Rules against bullying shall be publicized District-wide and shall be disseminated as appropriate to staff, students and parents. Disciplinary sanctions for violation of this policy shall be outlined in the District Code of Conduct as enumerated above and may also incorporated in staff and student handbooks.
Students who violate this policy and the rules in the Code of Conduct may face not only school consequences, but also, legal consequences. See also District Code of Conduct regarding the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA).